Read & Publish and Open Access: What it means for you

October 25th, 2021

Many researchers throughout Australia and New Zealand are eligible to publish Open Access in our journals at no additional charge. Are you one of them?

A multi-coloured neon "Open" sign hanging in a window.

At CSIRO Publishing, we support Open Access to help authors reach the broadest audience for their work and to facilitate unrestricted access to scholarly research. Finding a viable way to transition the publishing model to Open Access has the potential to greatly increase the reach of the research we publish, whilst maintaining the very highest standards of peer review and publishing practices.

Early in 2020 we met with representatives of the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) to explore how we might work together to accelerate the move towards Open Access in Australia. These discussions resulted in many CAUL member institutions across Australia and New Zealand putting Read and Publish Agreements in place with us.

These agreements were negotiated with and funded by institution libraries, which means researchers will not incur any additional charges for Open Access publication when publishing in eligible journals.

Excitingly, institutions have already renewed their Read and Publish Agreements for 2022 and we’ll also be able to expand the list of eligible journals. For now, check whether your journal of choice is part of a Read and Publish Agreement with your institution – stay tuned for further updates!

What you need to know about Read and Publish

  • Corresponding authors from institutions with agreements in place can publish articles as Open Access in relevant CSIRO Publishing journals at no additional cost.
  • Eligibility will be verified by their email address or Ringgold ID and instructions will be provided on how to set up an article as Open Access.
  • Whether published Open Access or through subscription access, all content receives the same rigorous peer review process to keep our publications to the highest possible standard.

Share your Open Access story with us

Have you published Open Access in one of our journals, thanks to the Read and Publish agreement with your institution’s library? We’d love to hear about it! Tag us in your social media posts using @CSIROPublishing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

More resources

Read more about our Open Access policies on our website, and browse our journals for more information.

Find out about our publishing policies including COPE membership and publication ethics.